American Flag Destroyed By Bigfoot?

[The Knots] signify a Bigfoot did it.
— Harriet Mcfeely, Owner of the Bigfoot Crossroads of America Museum

Garrison, Neb. —

Bigfoot researches in Nebraska are promoting a theory that suspects the fabled cryptid may be behind the mysterious vandalism of an American flag at a cemetery in Garrison.

According to the Columbus Telegram, the tattered and twisted old glory was found over Memorial Day weekend. Theories as to who caused the destruction of the flag has ranged from thoughtless vandals to freak weather events. Some researchers have another theory as the culprit…Bigfoot.

The researcher, Harriet McFeely, owner of the Bigfoot Crossroads of America Museum (in Hastings), was granted access to the flag to find evidence of Sasquatch. She was able to identify a number of areas which led her to believe the North American great ape was to blame. Mcfeely was confident to claiming the flag was bound and twisted in purposely, meaningful ways by the use of dexterous hands.

“[The knots] signify a Bigfoot did it,” Mcfeely told Telegram reporters. She also made the claim that the braids are very similar to how Bigfoot, and Native Americans, braided the manes of horses.

“There's some lady that lives on a farm... And she's got two horses that come in all the time. It was, she didn't even know that, but about a week before she came (to the museum), which is about two weeks ago now, the night before and the horse had just come in and it was braided. And she said it's often,” McFeely informed

When pressed by Jim Daro, whose family originally owned the flag, about how Bigfoot’s “big o’ fat fingers could make those little knots?” Mcfeely explained that knot trying is a skill and craft learned by young Sasquatch, when their fingers are smaller and more dexterous, and practiced into adulthood. Even the larger of the species could still be very adapt at knot trying.

Due to her analysis of the flag, the cemetery has decided to donate it to the Bigfoot museum as possible evidence of a Sasquatch encounter.

Watch the full video here

Roger Norquist

Roger Norquist is a comedian and writer based in Denver, Colorado. He is one of the three clones that host Werewolf Radar.


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