Washington State Leads US in Bigfoot Sightings

With over 676 sightings reported, Washington is by far your best bet to get a fuzzy photograph of our famous friend.
— SatelliteInternet.com
Washington leads with 676 sightings of Bigfoot; followed by California with 445.

Washington leads with 676 sightings of Bigfoot; followed by California with 445.

A recent report on Bigfoot sightings has shown Washington State to have significantly more sightings of the large North American great ape than any other state.

The report was provide to the internet curtesy of SatelliteInternet.com and has shed light on the vast spread of possible Sasquatch populations through America...and where to photograph them…

“With over 676 sightings reported, Washington is by far your best bet to get a fuzzy photograph of our famous friend. The green state get 8.9 sightings for every 100,000 people-those are pretty good odds,” wrote Satalliteinternet.com.

While Washington has the highest likelihood of Bigfoot encounters, the map shows that there have been significant sightings of the large hairy hominid in every state. The lowest being 5 sightings in Rhode Island and Delaware.

Bigfoot is out there,

Will you find him?

“Bigfoot avoids high-density populations, so even if there are more sightings in a state, a larger population in any area might scare him away from sightseeing spots. You’ll want to check out the more desolate parts of the dense forests to see one yourself.”

If this map is correct, there is a population of Sasquatch throughout America; keeping with myth and legends of native people claiming to have lived next to and with large hairy people.

Roger Norquist

Roger Norquist is a comedian and writer based in Denver, Colorado. He is one of the three clones that host Werewolf Radar.


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